Managing Your Information Asset

Event by IRM UK
Information Asset

28 Feb 2017 - 2 Mar 2017

etc.venues Marble Arch, London

Three One Day Workshops on Information Strategy, Information Governance and MDM

This workshop is made up of three 1-day workshops:

Day 1: Establishing a Sustainable (BIG) Information Strategy
Day 2: Information Governance: From Definition to Execution
Day 3: Master and Reference Data Management

You can register to attend 1, 2 or 3 days of the workshop.
Many studies have indicated that we have evolved from the age of automation to the information age. Proper information management and insights have become a linchpin that act as a catalyst for the execution of your business strategies. Information can be supporting or defining your business model. Having the data in your organisation is not enough as the true value comes from your ability to turn the data into operational information and insights that allow you to create business value and make strategic and tactical decisions. Aligning your information requirements with strategic business objectives is critical.

Every day organisations make business decisions assuming the information in their system is accurate, but for many it can be costly if the data is flawed, out-dated or unchecked. In a market where everyone is striving for more insights through data, the accuracy and trust of your data can make the difference between competitive advantage and bad decisions.

Aligning your information requirements with strategic business objectives is critical. Organisational, procedural and technical capabilities and policies need to be put in place to provide information management capabilities.

The industry has recognised the potential of information and we’ve witnessed an exponential growth in related tools, database solutions, BIG Data platforms, appliances, Data Refineries, Data Lakes, analytics, algorithms … However many companies are struggling to deploy these concepts in a sustainable and effective way. The number of data breaches and data related incidents are rising at the same, if not higher rate. For that reason the approach this seminar takes is to embrace the innovation and disruptive ability of insight but to embed it in the organisation in a sustainable way.

Do you recognise that information is a valuable asset but do you struggle to deliver on that value?

This seminar and worshop teaches you how you can turn your organisation around and make it information centric delivering on the promise of accurate and trusted business information.

Speaker’s Biography
Jan HenderyckxJan Henderyckx is a highly rated consultant, speaker and author who has been active in the field of Information Management and Relational Database Management since 1986. He has presented, moderated and taught workshops at many international conferences and User Group meetings worldwide. Jan’s experiences, combined with information architecture and management expertise, have enabled him to help many organisations to optimise the business value of their information assets. He is a Director of the Belgium and Luxembourg chapter of DAMA (Data Management Association) and runs the Belgian Information Governance Council. He has published articles in many leading industry journals, and has been elected to the IDUG Speakers Hall of Fame, based upon numerous Best Speaker awards.

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